in partnership
Annual African Family Business Research Conference
(Celebrating research-inspired family business management advancement)
To strengthen each other.

3RD AFRICAN family business RESEARCH
Join us in August 2022 as African Family Firms joins hands again with Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit to bring you the 3rd Edition of the Annual African Family Business Research Conference.
This conference, offers the opportunity for researchers in Africa, to share (and showcase) their research and to contribute to the world of family business management and governance.
pronounced (coo·see.mbee.saaa.naaa)
Themed Kusimbisana, meaning To strengthen each other. The theme links to the topics that will be covered at the conference, which include values, succession, innovation, career choice and role of parents, social responsibility, and sustainable reporting.
The conference is a joint initiative between African Family Firms and the Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit.
Consider this the Must-Attend event for your Family Business in 2022.

in partnership
#AFBRC2022 conference
3rd Annual African Family Business Research Conference
Celebrating research-inspired family business management advancement
DAY 1 : 10 AUGUST 2022 DAY 2 : 11 AUGUST 2022
Day 1, Session 1 (11:00-12:00):
11:00 – 11:15 Introduction to the conference.
Presenters: Prof Elmarie Venter (Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit, South Africa) & Mrs Tsitsi Mutendi (African Family Firms).
11:15 – 12:00 Topic: Strategic business values in indigenous Black South African family businesses.
Presenter: Dr Welcome Kupangwa (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa); co-authored with Prof Shelley Farrington and Prof Elmarie Venter (Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit, South Africa)
Day 1, Session 2 (12:00-12:30):
12:00 – 12:30 Topic: Family businesses and dynamic capabilities: A systematic literature review.
Presenter: Mrs Angela Pike-Bowles (University of Fort Hare, South Africa); co-authored with Dr Juliet Puchert-Townes and Prof Willie Chinyamurindi (University of Fort Hare, South Africa).
Day 1, Session 3 (12:30-13:00):
12:30 – 13:00 Topic: African family business research – initial explorations of the field.
Presenters: Ms Cassidy Billings and Prof Shelley Farrington (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa).
Day 1, Session 4 (16:00-16:30):
16:00 – 16:30 Topic: Senior entrepreneurship and the takeover of family businesses: The case of Moroccan family-owned SMEs.
Presenters: Mr Brahim Ouzaka and Prof Saïd Ouhadi (Cadi Ayyad University- Marrakesh, Morocco).
Day 1, Session 5 (16:30-17:00):
16:30 – 17:00 Topic: KPMG Report – The regeneration power of family businesses.
Presenters: Mr Alan Barr and Mr Creagh Sudding (KPMG, South Africa).
Day 1, Session 6 (17:00-18:00):
17:00 – 18:00 Keynote panel discussion: The regeneration power of family businesses.
Panel members: Mr Creagh Sudding and Mr Alan Barr (KPMG, South Africa); Prof Elmarie Venter and Dr Welcome Kupangwa (Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit, South Africa); Mrs Tsitsi Mutendi (African Family Firms); Dr Oliver Kapepa (Colonnade Business Leadership School, Zimbabwe).
Day 2, Session 1 (11:00-11:30):
11:00 – 11:30 Topic: The moderating influence of socioemotional wealth on the innovation choices and outputs of South African family businesses – A proposed conceptual model.
Presenter: Prof Elmarie Venter and Mr William Aka Ndang (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa).
Day 2, Session 2 (11:30-12:00):
11:30 – 12:00 Topic: Developing a theoretical framework for understanding family firm innovation behaviour.
Presenter: Mr Kwame Ntim Sekyere (Ghana Communication Technology University, Ghana).
Day 2, Session 3 (12:00-12:30):
12:00 – 12:30 Topic: Financial management and family business performance in Ghana.
Presenter: Mr Dennis Owusu Oteng (Nobel International Business School, Ghana).
Day 2, Session 4 (12:30-13:00):
12:30 – 13:00 Topic: Integrated reporting as a trigger of transformative organisational change within listed South African family businesses: The (moderating) role of socioemotional wealth.
Presenter: Mrs Sanelisiwe Bulelwa Siyotula-Tschappe (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa). Co-authored with Prof Elmarie Venter (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa) and Prof Dr Stefan Prigge (HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany).
Day 2, Session 5 (13:00-13:30):
13:00 – 13:30 Topic: Family business in ukwalusa kwemfuyo (herding livestock): Conceptualising the philosophy within Xhosa people as a practice.
Presenter: Mr Siyabonga Sirayi (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa).
Day 2, Session 6 (16:00-16:30):
16:00 – 16:30 Author Interview with Mrs Nike Anani - Lifetime to Legacy: Unpacking a new vision for multigenerational family businesses and demystifying the world that is family business from an African perspective.
Interview led by: Prof Shelley Farrington (Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit, South Africa).
Day 2, Session 7 (16:30-17:00):
16:30 – 17:00 Presentation: PwC Africa NextGen survey 2022 - Today and beyond: The next generation challenges the status quo of family business.
Presenter: Mrs Andrea Benkenstein Kruger (PWC, South Africa).
Day 2, Session 8 (17:00-18:00):
17:00 – 18:00 Keynote panel discussion: Focus: Raising the next generation.
Panel members: Prof Elmarie Venter (Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit, South Africa); Mrs Nike Anani (African Family Firms); Mrs Andrea Benkenstein Kruger (PWC, South Africa); Mrs Phyllis Bourne (Bourne Global Estates and Investments Africa Ltd., South Africa).

Prof Elmarie Venter
Founding member of the Nelson Mandela University Family Business Unit
School of Management Sciences, Nelson Mandela University
When: 11/08 11:00 CAT
The moderating influence of socioemotional wealth on the innovation choices and outputs of South African family businesses – A proposed conceptual model.

Mrs Sanelisiwe Bulelwa Siyotula-Tschappe
Doctoral student, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
(Supervisors: Prof Elmarie Venter, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa & Prof. Dr. Stefan Prigge (HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration, Hamburg, Germany)
When: 11/08 12:30 CAT
Integrated reporting as a trigger of transformative organisational change within listed South African family businesses: The (moderating) role of socioemotional wealth.

Mrs Nike Anani
Co-founder AFF
Next Generation Family Business Advisor.
When: 11/08 16:00 CAT
Author Interview with Mrs Nike Anani: Lifetime to Legacy: Unpacking a new vision for multigenerational family businesses and demystifying the world that is family business from an African perspective.
Interview led by Prof Shelley Farrington (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa).